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Airline Filter and Search
This section enables you to search through all 1874 airlines. Filter by passenger numbers, name, code, region, country, alliance, software products and software provider.

Either use the quick links or quick search forms on this page, or for full functionality go to Advanced Airline Search

Latest: Global RecoveryTracking the individual and overall impact of the pandemic recovery week by week with analysis of the World's top 50 airlines.
Global Trends | Region Trends | Traffic Impact | USA | Europe | Reports | Closures | Closure Impact

New: 2024-2028 Passenger Volume Projections
New: 2023 Passenger Volumes
New: Historical Volumes by Business Model
New: Quarterly Passenger Data for many airlines.
New: Pre-Pandemic Airline Traffic Comparisons.

Currently Tracking 1874 airlines, (1105 Active), boarding 4,398,297,926 passengers in 2023
Airlines Analysis

Airline by Business Model
Network Carriers 165
Hybrid Carriers 250
Low Cost Carriers 141
Franchise Operators 122
Charter Airlines
Charter/Scheduled Airlines 236
Suspended (included in totals above) 20
No Longer Operating 749

Passenger Volumes
Data and graphical charting of the growth of passenger numbers worldwide by region and by business model since 2007.

Interactive Charts
New interactive charts are being added regularly. Stacked charts and pareto charts showing historical and regional ratios of passenger numbers and domestic/international ratios.

Details of the 3 airline alliances who, between them, control over half the World's passengers. Alliance section
Alliance ratois

airline ecommerceNew airlines are starting up all the time. Despite being unable to return the cost of capital there are investors willing to fund new airline ventures.
We list startups by region, country, city, principle hub, website, fleet, routes, business model, planned operational date, investors and AOC where the information is available.
Ceased Operations
For every airline created there is at least one other that ceases operations.

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Product and Region Search
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airline ecommerceCompare the airline's own web sites. View data on the web booking sites for all airlines that carry over three million passengers. Find out what proportion of their bookings are made on their website. We track if they take hotel, car or holiday bookings and if flight bookings include Interline and Codeshare partners.

Groups Airlines operate a number of business models to address different market segments. Some carriers use franchise operators extensively to extend their network whilst others operate multiple brands. To reflect these and other relationships T2RL have developed a Group view for airlines.

Group detail shows the ratio of contribution of each member airline to the group total PAX. Revenue listing compare the total turnover of most airline groups.

Migrations and Implementations
Migrations See which airlines migrated their inventory from which vendor to which new vendor system, with details on announcement date, migration date and implementation duration. Sort by past and future migrations.
Also see new implementations and migrations for Revenue Accounting systems.

Loyalty Programs There are hundred of Loyalty Programs. T2RL collate data about the schemes, which airlines share them, membership numbers and vendor market share.

Data Download
Download T2RL data extracts to use within your own analysis. CSV Data is available filtered by Business Model, Region, Size, Products, e-commerce and for Startups.

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