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The Market for Airline Retailing and Delivery Systems
Following fifteen annual editions of the T2RL market report on Passenger Services Systems this is the first publication of a new report. The need to change the way that we describe the market has come about due to the widespread acknowledgement that the traditional PSS will be replaced by systems based on Offer-Order-Settle-Deliver over the next few years. This report will describe market positioning of traditional PSS vendors and systems but it will also identify the moves towards the new standards. We expect that the next few editions will show a gradual migration of airlines to OOSD. We intend to give an insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by airlines and vendors as they plan and implement their move to OOSD. Market share information for PSS is based on 2023 annual passenger volumes adjusted to include current migrations and implementations as of 1st August 2024. Market share information for OOSD is currently too limited for useful trends to be observed. That will change over the coming years.
Published: 23/09/2024
This report is available to subscribers only.  

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