Radixx and Flydubai Secure their Futures
T2RL consider the Flydubai / Radixx news and agreement as important for airline buyers of PSS. The source code licence option is unusual for such a small carrier. The last major source code deal was Delta Airlines with Travelport. The deal is therefore worth commentary from T2RL's analyst community.
Distribution Heatmap 2015
T2RL's research team met in Whistler, Canada from 13th. to 17th. April 2015 to define the key issues facing airline distribution executives for the coming year. The GDS' are thriving and like any business they continue to exert pricing power when they have the opportunity to do so. LCC's are participating in the traditional distribution architectures and are well placed to take advantage of the infrastructure developed and tuned by the traditional carriers and their vendors. Market dynamics are challenging with market concentration and consumers access to technology.
Guestlogix takeover OpenJaw - aiming for one stop shop for ancillaries
Guestlogix has
bought out the ancillary packaging software company, OpenJaw for $41.2 million in a
deal that will add more heat to the airline merchandising market.
Japan Airlines selects Amadeus
Finally Japan Airlines and Amadeus announced their agreement for supply of passenger servicing systems for JAL's international and domestic business.
Amadeus wins Japan Airlines International and Domestic Passenger Services Business
Amadeus have consolidated their position in Asia as the dominant supplier of passenger services technology by announcing a long-term agreement with Japan Airlines.
Emirates Breaks with the PSS Market Trend, First or Last?
Emirates have made the decision not to move ahead with Amadeus' PSS solution after a long and expensive process for all parties. This is not as much of a blow for Amadeus as it is for the outdated marketing automation structures.
Travelport to IPO
Undoubtedly encouraged by Sabre's recent IPO success and Amadeus' current valuation, Travelport's owners have made the decision to sell.
Delta Airlines buys Travelport out to control their destiny for PSS
Delta Airlines have agreed to buy back the intellectual property for their passenger servicing systems (PSS) from Travelport and take on some 175 staff that work on the Deltamatic system transferred to Travelport (Worldspan) some years ago. Delta, like a small number of other airlines are signalling their intention to reverse the market trend for purchase of market based community solutions. Delta are unique however with over 168 million passengers boarded in 2013 including franchise carrier volumes.
Sabre signs Air Berlin for migration by the end of 2016.
Just a few days after the announcement of Southwest's decision to choose Amadeus as their PSS, Air Berlin have announced that they will be migrating from Amadeus to Sabre to conclude in 2016. This is a big win for Sabre on Amadeus' home turf and a validation of their strategy to support and work closely with Etihad.
Southwest to move to Amadeus for their domestic PSS, following implementation of the international business acquired from Air Tran
Amadeus will provide Southwest's domestic PSS after a competitive tussle with Sabre. Amadeus were clearly favourites having won the Air Tran international business following a successful migration of the first batch of flights. This is a real coup for Amadeus in Sabre's backyard
Sabre IPO expected in April with valuation of $4.9-$5.0 Billion.
Sabre's IPO looks set for launch around 16 April 2014 based on 2013 financials. Silverlake and Texas Pacific Group will reduce their shareholding and Sabre will pay down a proportion of their debt.
IBS Progress Further in Japan with Vanilla offering
IBS and ANA announced they have entered into a contract on 5th February 2014 for the provision of PSS and other services to Vanilla Air. IBS is no stranger to ANA, with ANA having worked with IBS on the ultimately successful development and implementation of the IBS iCargo platform, launched back in February 2009. IBS have had some success in a demanding and difficult Japanese market place.
Ryanair to participate in the GDSs
Ryanair's Q3 results published on Feb 3rd indicate that they plan to participate in a single or multiple GDSs by May 2014. T2RL expect bundled products and services to be available to allow Ryanair to chase these higher yielding passengers. T2RL do not see Ryanair entering into any full content agreements but a partial content arrangement. Other airlines will be watching carefully and this will drive a cycle of negotiations in the next round of GDS negotiations.
JetBlue select Datalex for E-Commerce and Merchandising
JetBlue are moving away from Sabre's e-commerce solution to Dublin based Datalex's TDP solution. Sabre have now lost two of their larger hybrid direct sale specialists, WestJet and JetBlue to Datalex's solution. The effect on Datalex's revenues are likely to be significant given the volume of direct bookings and ancillary sales at JetBlue.
American Airlines selects Sabre for their PSS
Finally the industry's worst kept secret is out. The combined AA/US entity will use Sabre as their core PSS solution. Migration will take 2 years to complete. Whilst this news is a blow for HP it will not be a surprise given the failed JetStream project with American.
Sabre IPO Imminent
Sabre have filed preparatory documents with the SEC in the US for their planned initial public offering (IPO). Whilst unrelated the IPO comes on the back of news that even die hard low-cost carrier Ryanair is considering participation in the GDSs.
Emirates PSS Decision Deferred
With no announcement despite considerable investment in a long procurement process it is clear Emirates President Tim Clark requires more evidence that Emirates can not remain independent with respect to PSS solution provision.
CIOs Priorities for 2014
T2RL conducted interviews with airline CIOs and executives between October and December 2013, T2RL consider the implications for the vendors.
Emirates PSS Decision Imminent
Emirates embarked on a process to evaluate the market with respect to the provision of PSS solutions. The management team are expected to make a decision in the coming weeks. This is critical decision for Emirates and a major signal to the market place in general.
Rising PSS Implementation Fees Will Slow Market Changes
T2RL’s latest research suggests that vendor charged PSS implementation costs have been rising steadily over the last 10 years. The effect will be to slow market share changes and extend terms with incumbents.
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